Ferris Wheel Press - Adventurine | Ferritales

A photo of the 20mL bottle of Ferris Wheel Press 'Adventurine', in front of the packaging box.

Adventurine is one of the many inks from Ferris Wheel Press’ Ferritales collection, coming in these cute little 20mL round globe bottles. I was so excited to get my hands on in when the press photos initially came out, and I do love it now.

Let’s get into it.

Adventurine is a complex sort of grey ink - it looks darker in the swabs, but in the pen its a light grey. The ink has a ton of shading, some blue-ish tones underneath, and features a gorgeous amount of rose gold shimmer in it. I find it creates beautiful passages to write with in an <M> nib.

The ink can teeter to quite light, but I find it to still be legible even when it’s wet. You can check out a longer format writing sample from my Instagram post here, done during Ayachan’s 30 Days of First Lines challenge. As you may notice, the rose gold shimmer is fairly subtle in the writing sample. I find it needs the light to hit it to really show the shimmer off, for the most part.

Hi! Just a disclaimer that:

  • This post is not sponsored.

  • This ink was purchased with my own money.

  • If you'd like to support me and want this ink, you can check it out on the Atlas Stationer's site using my affiliate link.


See all other grey inks here, or check some similar inks out below:


Ferris Wheel Press - Blushing Mushroom | Ferritales


Diamine - Oxford Blue