Ferris Wheel Press - Blushing Mushroom | Ferritales

A photo of the 20mL round bottle of Ferris Wheel Press 'Blushing Mushroom' in front of the packaging for the fountain pen ink.

Blushing Mushroom from Ferris Wheel Press is an interesting fountain pen ink from their Ferritales Collection. The ink is described by the brand as ‘mauve’, which makes sense to me. It’s got lots of shading, and a lot of rose gold shimmer.

Let’s get into it.

The ink itself is mauve, though as you can see in the scans the Epson picked it up more of the blue undertones. Sometimes the pinky shades peek out. After writing with it in my TWSBI Eco in an <M> nib, I think the shading was super prominent. The rose gold shimmer also feels subtle due to the colour - I really liked it. The ink colour feels quite ethereal.

Hi! Just a disclaimer that:

  • This post is not sponsored.

  • This ink was purchased with my own money.

  • If you'd like to support me and want this ink, you can check it out on the Atlas Stationer's site using my affiliate link.


See all other purple-y inks here, or check some similar inks out below:


Ferris Wheel Press - Green With Curiosity | Ferritales


Ferris Wheel Press - Adventurine | Ferritales