Diamine - Walnut | Inkvent 2023

For day fifteen of the Diamine Inkvent 2023, we’re back to a standard ink. Today’s is brown!

Let’s get into it.

Walnut is a standard dark brown ink with some green sheening. In the swatches I don’t see any shading, but it’s definitely present in the writing sample (which is what you’d be doing majority of the time anyways.

I find the green sheening to be present in a fair amount of dark brown inks - Kopi O Kaw and Pick Me Up both from Diamine, as well as Land of Shangri-La from Ferris Wheel Press are some I can think of. While the sheening shows in various degrees, I find it a peculiar pairing to see together (though I’m sure there’s a chemistry reason for the pairing).

While the writing sample seems quite nice (especially with the shading), I just don’t find the ink to be a unique enough to draw me to it. At some point in an ink roulette I’ll use it :)

Check out the rest of the 2023 Inkvent Calendar here!

Hi! Just a disclaimer that:

  • This post is not sponsored.

  • This ink was purchased with my own funds.

  • If you'd like to support me and have some stationery shopping to do, you can shop at Atlas Stationer's site using my affiliate link - use code PAPEREMM10 for a discount on your order too! Some exceptions may apply.


See all other brown inks here, or check out some recent similar inks below:


Diamine - Merry & Bright | Inkvent 2023


Diamine - Rainbows End | Inkvent 2023