Pilot Iroshizuku - Shin-Kai

Today’s a surprising ink for me! One I likely wouldn

‘t have chosen on my own, but I got it by buying it from someone else secondhand.

Let’s get into it.

Pilot Iroshizuku Shin-Kai is a well behaved dark blue colour - similar to that of denim. It sports a little bit of some reddish-pinky sheen, though it’s only really showing in large pools (like the big swatches. Or the dot in the lower case I).

Shin-Kai is a very well behaved ink, as expected from the Pilot Iroshizuku line. It’s just not my cup of tea.

Hi! Just a disclaimer that:

  • This post is not sponsored.

  • This ink was purchased with my own money.

  • If you'd like to support me and want this ink, you can check it out on the Atlas Stationer's site using my affiliate link.

  • If you’re an Amazon shopper, you can also check out the ink using my affiliate link :)


See all other blue inks, or check some similar inks out below:


Monteverde - Joy


Robert Oster - Morning Mist