Ferris Wheel Press - Land of Shangri-La | Shangri-La Hotel Collaboration
Today’s fountain pen ink from Canadian brand Ferris Wheel Press is one of my favourites! It’s a collaboration with the Shangri-La hotel, and came out in 2022.
Let’s see the swatches!
I was so looking forward to this ink when it was announced! As a collaboration with the Shang-ri La hotel, which is inspired by the James Hilton novel. It’s a beautiful dark brown shade - sometimes it almost leans to a soft shade of black. It has a green base to it, which you can see peeking through specifically on the Midori paper, though it doesn’t really pull out unless the ink is watered down. The champagne shimmer in the ink is quite beautiful and makes the ink special, though it’s subtle depending on the angle you look at it.
Here’s some writing samples of the ink, using a medium nib and a TWSBI Eco. The ink has always behaved well in my pens!
Hi! Just a disclaimer that:
This post is not sponsored.
This ink was purchased with my own money.
If you'd like to support me and want this ink, you can check it out on the Atlas Stationer's site using my affiliate link - use code PAPEREMM10 for a discount on your order too! Some exceptions may apply.